Thursday, March 22, 2012

It's Your Birthday?

     I have a tendency to get it in my head, the idea, that it'd be nice to make a gift for someone's birthday but find I bit off more than I can chew resulting in a missed deadline and the eventual setting of the project aside to forgetting about it until the next time a birthday pops up(I'm so terrible when it comes to remembering birthdays) and so begins the cycle once again.

     Well this time I said, screw it! Just finish the piece even if you do miss the deadline... again.

Of course I missed the deadline but stuck to my guns by following through and finishing the piece. These things shouldn't take as long as they do but the reality of it tells me otherwise, especially when for me, it has to be as perfect as can be. So here are some details; it's pretty simple and includes some of the characters I've been using in recent works plus some new ones.

     Done in gouache on watercolor paper and overprinted with a black keyline to bring it all together. The screen printing was the part of the project that took the longest since the original screen I made ended up in ruins after a failed attempt at using an oil based ink which I let stand in the screen for too long and of course it dried up on me. There are still quite a few bugs in my process that definitely need to be addressed but I still had fun making this even if it was problematic.

Happy Birthday... Mom?
... Sis?... 

1 comment:

  1. In situations such as this, time is not a factor. To have someone think to do something, then expend the energy to do it is the gift, the item whenever completed is a bonus.
